
Youth New Year Hang Out | January 3

Calling all students! Bring out your friends on Friday, January 3rd from 6:00pm - 8:00pm to join us for a night of fun - there'll be games, games, snacks and more, so plan to be there as we kick off the new year!

Senior Lunch Bunch | January 9

Seniors! Join us on the second Thursday of the month for a delicious meal, wonderful friends, and deep fellowship. Everyone is welcome so so plan to be there! This month we'll be at CP Kenmore in the Fellowship Hall.

Youth Winter Camp | January 17-19

All Middle School and High School students are invited to join us for this amazing weekend! January 17 - 19th, we are headed to Cedar Springs Campground for powerful services, tons of games, fun activities including a rock wall, giant swing, zipline and making memories with friends! Register your student today!

Dinner With the Staff | January 28

If you would like to know more about Jesus, our church, and how to get connected, join us for Dinner with the Staff at 6pm every fourth Tuesday of the month. There is no cost, but please sign up online so we can save you a spot!