
Dinner With the Staff | February 25

If you would like to know more about Jesus, our church, and how to get connected, join us for Dinner with the Staff at 6pm every fourth Tuesday of the month. There is no cost, but please sign up online so we can save you a spot!

Team Party | March 7

We have the best serve team in the world! Truly, if you serve on Sundays, Mondays, or another day at CPK, we want to celebrate you! Please plan to join us Friday, March 7 at 6pm. We'll have dinner, games, and awards.

PJ's & Pancakes | March 9

Let's be honest, losing an hour of sleep is hard. To help families out, we are making pancakes for your kiddos!

Join us Sunday, March 9, for a pancake party in Kids Church. All kids are welcome to come in their PJs, so you don't even have to get them ready!

Senior Lunch Bunch | March 13

Seniors! Join us on the second Thursday of the month for a delicious meal, wonderful friends, and deep fellowship. Everyone is welcome so so plan to be there! This month we'll be meeting at the church at 11:30am.